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John Adams - Doctor Atomic

Flaga Polska 29 czerwca 2018, piątek
Arysta: John Adams
Wytwórnia: Warner Music

"Doctor Atomic" to słynna opera współczesnego amerykańskiego kompozytora muzyki klasycznej, Johna Adamsa, która miała premierę jesienią 2005 roku. Jej libretto, które napisał Peter Sellars, związane jest ze zdetonowaniem pierwszej bomby atomowej.

Prezentowany album zawiera rejestrację wykonania dzieła pod batutą samego Adamsa. Twórca dyrygował orkiestrą radia BBC oraz chórem tej stacji. Główne role w operze kreują Gerald Finley (jako twórca bomby Robert Oppenheimer) i Julia Bullock(jako Kitty Oppenheimer). Oprócz nich śpiewają i grają: Brindley Sherratt (Edward Teller), Samuel Sakker (kapitan James Nolan), Andrew Staples (Robert Wilson), Jennifer Johnston (Pasqualita), Aubrey Allicock (generał Leslie Groves).
Lista utworów:
CD 1
1. Overture
2. Act I, Scene 1: "The end of June 1945"
3. Act I, Scene 1: "First of all, let me say"
4. Act I, Scene 1: "We surround the plutonium core"
5. Act I, Scene 1: "We are bedeviled by faulty detonators"
6. Act I, Scene 1: "Many of us are inclined to say"
7. Act I, Scene 1: "The nation's fate... "
8. Act I, Scene 1: "This is a petition"
9. Act I, Scene 1: "What if it's a dud?"
10. Act I, Scene 1: "The test must go on as scheduled"
11. Act I, Scene 1: "No, before the bomb is used"
12. Act I, Scene 2: "Am I in your light?"
13. Act I, Scene 2: "Long let me inhale, deeply... "
14. Act I, Scene 2: "The motive of it all was loneliness"
15. Act I, Scene 3: Electrical storm
16. Act I, Scene 3: "What the hell is wrong with the weather?"
17. Act I, Scene 3: "Five hundred U. S. Superfortresses are raining bombs"
18. Act I, Scene 3: "I'll sign the report, sir"
19. Act I, Scene 3: "With respect, sir, anyone with two good eyes"
20. Act I, Scene 3: "I have been preoccupied with many matters"
21. Act I, Scene 3: "Get them out of here. From now on, I'm making my own weather predictions"
22. Act I, Scene 3: "General, you are bearing up with remarkable fortitude"
23. Act I, Scene 3: "Batter my heart"
CD 2
1. Act II, Scene 1: "Easter Eve, 1945"
2. Act II, Scene 1: Interlude. Rain over the Sangre de Cristo"
3. Act II, Scene 1: "In the north the cloud-flower blossoms"
4. Act II, Scene 2: "It's midnight, Jack"
5. Act II, Scene 2: "I've dreamed the same dream"
6. Act II, Scene 2: "To the farthest west, the sea and the striped country"
7. Act II, Scene 2: "A delay in the Potsdam Ultimatum"
8. Act II, Scene 2: "Fermi is taking wagers"
9. Act II, Scene 2: "I've spent a great deal of time indulging in controlled fantasies"
10. Act II, Scene 2: "Edward, the test will be delayed an hour"
11. Act II, Scene 3: Panic
12. Act II, Scene 3: "This program has been plagued from the start"
13. Act II, Scene 3: "To keep the weakness secret"
14. Act II, Scene 3: "I just finished reading The Magic Mountain"
15. Act II, Scene 3: "The winter dawned, but the dead did not come back"
16. Act II, Scene 3: "And love, which contains all human spirit"
17. Act II, Scene 3: "The only saviors are the ham sandwiches"
18. Act II, Scene 3: Chorus. "At the sight of this"
19. Act II, Scene 4: "Lieutenant Bush, keep a weather eye on Oppenheimer"
20. Act II, Scene 4: "To what benevolent demon do I owe the joy of being thus surrounded"
21. Act II, Scene 4: "That's their signal!"
22. Act II, Scene 4: "The sky is clear to the east"
23. Act II, Scene 4: "In the midnight, in the flame-brilliant midnight"
24. Act II, Scene 4: "Zero minus two minutes"
25. Act II, Scene 4: Countdown