Lista utworów:
01. Explicit Everything
02. Toleraped
03. Darkest Auer
04. When Only Fans Blow On Empty Stage
05. Flesh Fabricant
06. Darken The Attic
07. Itseinhon Kusisella Alttarilla [ft. Nikki 666]
08. Mouthbreathing Bottomfeeder
09. In The Meat Of The Night
10. EU-rope Around Your Neck
11. Kemperverse (Kemper Trilogy Part 3: Mama's Boy)
12. Wife Eater (Woman's Best Friend)
13. R.I.C.H. (Relying In Capital Heresy)
14. Viimene Fiitti [ft. Ulti-Make]
15. Omniworld
16. Inhumanely Precipitated Biodegradation
17. No One Loves You Anymore
18. I Want To Pay More Taxes
19. Insult / Result
20. Scorched Meat Tactics