Lista utworów:
01. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (The Divine Intervention - Principium)
02. Aggressive Protector (The Breaker Of Dogmas)
03. State Ov Negation (Or 'The Art Of Denial')
04. The Dark Millennium (Or 'Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum, Tetragrammaton' - Requiem I)
05. Becoming Sempiternal (Or 'Dispelling The Thraldom')
06. A World Not For The Weak
07. The Doom Slayer (Origin Of Domination - Requiem II)
08. When They Speak To Me...
09. Sativa, Queen Of Illusions (Cursed In Phantasy And Dreams)
10. Interdictum Paradisus (The Last Of The Pleasures Given - Fuga)
11. Bad Mood [bonus]